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WatchPro needs you: How do you operate online?

As part of the January 2014 guest edited issue of WatchPro, the magazine is carrying out both a retailer and a consumer survey to find out how customer shopping habits are changing and whether watch retailers are adapting to that changing market.

WatchPro previously announced that WatchWarehouse managing director Craig Rebuck will be the guest editor for the January 2014 issue, using his vast knowledge of watch retail, both online and in bricks-and-mortar stores, to steer the publication.

As part of content for the magazine, WatchPro is planning to provide some independent statistics on how UK retailers are featuring on the internet and reacting to changing shopping habits and how consumers are shopping online.

In order to generate this useful information and provide the industry with some extremely valuable independent research we are urging you to please take a few minutes out to complete our multiple answer retailer survey, which you can find by visiting this link: www.surveymonkey.com/s/3XZQJJH All responses are received anonymously.

We would also like you to forward this consumer survey link onto customers, friends and families to help us build a picture of how shoppers are buying watches online: www.surveymonkey.com/s/52QCTVG

You will be able to see the results of these surveys in the January issue of WatchPro.

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